27 janvier 2007
24 janvier 2007
22 janvier 2007

Iron heart North burr : (Morfil), partie de métal , coupante qui pourrait nuire au coulissement de la bague plastique rouge. (passer un petit coup de lime, ou de papier de verre).
ci dessus , photo de la barre de Carole. (on distingue, une légère "excroissance de métal" .
voir photo (Sous l' "^").
source : Toby, webmaster, kiteforum.com
If you use a North bar with an Iron Heart, you should pay attention to this.
Following happened to me:
I crashed my kite and came closer to shore (sideonshore winds).
The kite tumbled around. The kite wanted to start in the power zone and in order to avoid getting dragged onto the beach I wanted to release the Iron Heart quick release...well, it didn't work! The red plastic didn't move at all, it was stuck.
Luckily I was able to unhook the chicken loop and the kite didn't power up in the power zone.
I also heard from a girl who had the same problem some days later.
I examined both Iron Hearts and found the problem.

To the right you see a burr (part that sticks out) which caused my IH to fail. It is sharp and pushing it with a certain angle it gets stucked in the red plastic.
Check both sides as shown on the picture for burrs.
If you have these, sand them with sand paper until it is smooth, then it will work properly.
If you have a burr, your Iron Heart will work if you push up the plastic straight up without any angle in the push. If you have a little pressure on the side of the red plastic, it gets stuck if you have a burr.
I informed North about the problem and they told me, they have in their manual an info under maintenance.
But North would also like to know, if more people had/have the problem.
So please reply if you have a burr too.
It looks like the metal part, that is at the end of the chicken loop and locked with the pin, works on the metal under pressure and causes the burr.
Thanks for your attention and cooperation.